Sunday, December 30, 2012

My 12 in 2012

        2012 was the year of the dragon. I was the superstitious type of person, so me being born from the year of the dog, was nervous about the belief that the dog is bound to be full of bad lucks in 2012. That really got me, since I just got accepted in the initial screening in my foreign exchange program. So this = stuff got me depressed for the year. But that didn't stop me from making me work hard for my future. Though fortune tellers would tell me that 2012 is not my year, I still had this resolution to make this the best year I've ever lived.

        Yes, 2012 was the best year I've ever had. Wait, that was still an understatement. This year was something extraordinary, somethings I never expected I could do in a year. To prove this, let me enumerate some of my most memorable happenings this 2012. Note that the numbering is not by importance. It's by chronological events. So here we go:

  1. Surigao Trip
        April 2012 was the time me and my friends went to the south of the Philippines for a 2-week trip. This was something special, considering the fact that 1. My mom permitted me for the first time to travel somewhere far with friends, 2. The trip was on the south of the Philippines, somewhere i've never been before, and 3. 2 weeks was already something :D. So me and Eunice got permitted by our parents to go to Arianne's home province. Some notable things were the 3-hour trip from the port to Arianne's place via bus, the cool beach, the great food, the rural atmosphere, and the great bond I had with my friends. :) Here are some of the pictures we had:
Swimming with the waves in Surigao del Sur. :)

Meeting Paul at Butuan City

Us enjoying the beach

    1. A father-son reunion

After Our trip in Surigao, coincidentally my father went home to the Philippines and wants to see me so after a few days of rest, I went to Manila to see my father and stayed with him until the last week of May. It was a big deal. I was finally able to see my father after 4 years of lost communication, countless fights and more. Though we were still not able to solve all our problems, seeing him and talking to him head on was really great.

3. Acceptance in the Scholarship for Japan!

After applying for scholarships for my stay in Japan, they said results were to be out on the last week of May, just before enrollment for the next schoolyear would start. I was really confident that I'd be leaving for Japan, so I got relaxed on my enrollment and was not able to apply for less payment in my tuition fee for my 3rd year in college. Sadly, I wasnt able to get it, so I applied for another scholarship with less benefits, and at the same time I had trouble paying for my tuition fee. But after a month, I was really happy to know I got it! Though I made a lot of sacrifices, I was really geared for a new adventure. :D

4. UP Cookout, and UP Intramurals

I don't know what went into my mind, but despite my busy preparations for my leave in Japan, I still had the guts to be able to participate in UP Cookout, and the Cheerdance competition in the UP Intramurals. Though they really took a lot of my time, I was happy to learn a lot of insights and gain a lot of experience and skills. :)
I learned to do a scorpion because of Cheerdance! :D
My first time to sing in a contest (a fail) XD

5. Off to Japan!
Japan welcomes you from the airport!

August 29, 2012 was the day of my flight to Japan. I wont narrate everything that happened the day before, but just a summary, August 28 was Cheerdance competition, Final processing of papers, despedida and surprise parties, shopping for my things to use in Japan, and packing. To top it all of, I forgot to put my laptop and psp in my suitcase and my flight got delayed by 2 hours. So I was kind of getting a hard treatment before leaving my home. But I guess everything was all worth it!

6. Tokyo Game Show!

On the entrance of the Dome. :D

September 22. It was another dream come true for me to be able to attend a gathering of some of the most respectable and corporate powers of the world in the field of gaming and technology. I got to test out new gadgets, got lots of freebies, and made lots of new friends. :D

7. Learning Nihongo
On my Japanese 1 in Autumn term

Learning a language that you havent been accustomed to was really difficult. Especially if its your 4th language. But i'm still in the process of learning it. And i'm working really hard since I know this will be really beneficial for my future.

8. UP PDQ status

Okay so I really did not know what I did to deserve this harsh punishment. I was studying peacefully in my room preparing for finals when my classmates in the Philippines tells me that I can't apply for a leave of absence since I am in a PDQ (permanent disqualification) status. They said its because I wasn't able to file some papers before I left for Japan. This was really complicated and still unsettled. Thankfully my best friends, mom, adviser and professors are working hard to relieve me of that status. I guess when I go home, Im gonna run for Student Council Chair and include in my platform the unity of the school offices for students to easily know what papers to file during times like these. Hahaha

9. Working
My hard-earned DSLR. :)

After finals, my aunt got me a work for autumn break. I was really able to raise a little bit of money. Through this experience I was able to know how its like to earn money for something you want. And I'm proud to say that I was able to buy myself a DSLR camera, payed of a little of my debt, and got to send money back home though my salary.

10. Birthdays

Mom on her surprise party 
November 29 was my mom's birthday, and my birthday was December 13. We always had this tradition of surprising each other. And since I'm in Japan, it was something else. With the little money I had left from my salary, I was able to send money to my cousin to set up a little surprise party for my mom. And that was really a great achievement for me, because I was able to let my mom be happy even if I am not with her. :)

11. UP SERENATA's best year


2 contests and 4 performances in one week. This was a great feat in UP SERENATA, the university choir I belong to. Despite the hectic schedule and academics, the choir was still able to bag 3rd place in one contest and the grand champion for the second contest. I'm a proud member. :))

12. Christmas with fellow foreign exchange students
UP-Japan foreign exchange students of 2012

Last but not the least, after winter break, me and with fellow UP foreign exchange students toured around Tokyo and spent Christmas together. It was really a great time, even if I didn't have much money. Spending time with friends is more important.

This is just proof that you can believe all the superstitions and fortune telling, but what's important is the effort you make to shape your future yourself. Let your beliefs and superstitions be the guide to your future, but don't let them decide it. I thank all my friends, family, my mom, and the Lord for the best year I've ever had. Let's get it on, 2013! :D

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