Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Gotta Catch Them All!

        Sorry for not updating my blog for a month (or two), my life has been busy (well not really, just lazy to update it maybe XD). Went to a lot of places, met new people, got a lot of new experiences, and more. With all that happened, I'll try my best to put everything that has happened to me for the last 2 months in this blog. And, i'll also try to update my blog frequently, as to avoid cobwebs, and avoid forgetting these important memories and happenings in my wonderful experience today.

        So to make up for my absence, let me share to you my unique goal in my stay here in Japan. ;)

        You know how when people go to different countries and all, they try to make their own “To-do list” or “To go list”? Well, I also have one of those things. Here they are:

        I was regretting I put that earthquake thing. -.-
        And I wasnt able to download anything (illegaaaaal T.T) So I ended up streaming them.
      This is not unproductive time, okay? Because internet here is really fast, so you get to watch a LOT of things. Hahaha

        Anyways, this blog post is not about the things I mentioned above. Aside from those things, I have one very unique, and personal goal that I must accomplish while i'm staying in Japan. And that involves collections.

        Since I was a child, I loved Pokemon. Well Pokemon opened me up to the great world of anime, video games, and all. Sigh, I remember the time when I got my gameboy color for getting an A+ on all of my grades in the final exam, and that time when mom hands me the first game that would open me up to more: Pokemon Yellow. Ever since that day, my love for Pokemon got stronger, memorizing all the names of 151 Pokemon (that was still the first generation), collecting posters, music, more collecting, and I even made my own notebook-handmade Pokedex!

        As I grew up, I was still following the Pokemon games and series. Well that kinda stopped when I chose to buy a PSP for a DS. D: But I was still in their trend. So I don't have much of pictures to show my childhood collections, but here's one proof that I still love Pokemon:

Chocolate Pokemon-Themed Birthday cake :D

        Yes people, 15 years old, senior high school, and a Pokemon cake for my birthday. :D And now I'm 18, foreign exchange undergrad student, and still an avid Pokemon fan.

        I'll let you know, Pokemon was one of the reasons I was interested to learn about Japan in the first place. My first anime, and first exposure to one of Japan's popular visual culture (well before that is). And now that i'm in Pokemon's place of origin, I've set my goal just a liiiiiitle bit higher:

      A 100,000¥ Pokemon Shopping spree!

     Yes. A 100,000¥ shopping spree. I'm not crazy, and I believe you don't waste your money for something you really like. Collecting was really my hobby. I collect cars and puzzles at home, but mostly I collect Pokemon products. And my stay in Japan would be a great opportunity to increase my collection ok Pokemon. For all those who hate this thinking because its a waste of money, well no, it isn't. I also think rationally, and I don't spend my scholarship and personal money in this goal. I spend it on money I earn from a part-time job (before, well I quit now, and looking for a new one). So far, i've collected products that costs around 20,000¥. I still have a long way to go, but hey, 6 months is still a long way. :)

        Here are some of the things I bought (Pokemon Center, Flea Markets) and were given to me as my birthday present. Enjoy the Pokemon craze! :D


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