Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nihon by Month 2

        2 months 7 days 2 hours 40 minutes (to be exact). This is the duration that I have been staying in Japan so far as I am typing this blog post. In this first 2 months of my foreign exchange program, a lot has already happened to me physically, mentally, and spiritually. With that change, new memories have been made, good and bad experiences.

      I can now say that I have now adapted to Japan's environment and culture. Staying in a foreign country, everything was totally new for me. From food, transportation, and places to events, cultures and traditions. It was a struggle. First off was the environment. I never expected for the temperature to be so cold (for me)! And since I didn't bring much thick clothes, I suffered from intense cold and got a flu. In terms of food, I've gotten fatter! :D This is really an achievement in my part, since back in the Philippines, no matter how much I eat, I was still as skinny as ever. But now, my cheeks are not hollow, and bones near my neck are now covered by fats. I also got healthier. Since food is so expensive here in Japan (basically everything is expensive), I have to limit my food to only the things I should eat. So snacks and chips have been removed in my to buy and to eat list. And since transportation is also expensive here, I learned to walk or bike from one place or another even though they are a bit far. Though I really should get a haircut by now, since my hair will be covering my sight soon.

      Aside from my physical statute, I also changed mentally. My study habits have changed since learning nihongo is really difficult. My memory improved in directions. Since I also do shopping on my own and I also budget my money because of scarce resources, my future expectations, planning and predictions have improved. I have learned to be independent since here in Japan, you do your own business, and people wont mind.

      Being in a foreign land also enlightened me both as a Filipino, and as a Christian. Being in a country where Christianity is not a major religion, I promised myself to strengthen my relationship with God and not falter. I know that he will still be with me in all my challenges and victories. I also started to reflect about my love and service for my nation (will be on another blog since this is already too long).

Me adapting to japanese food :)
      But in these 2 months, I now miss everything: my family, my friends, my school, and my nation. I know that it's quite corny, but I guess this is what everyone feels when one starts living in a new place alone. I miss singing and laughing with my UP Serenata Family, my Bass-tards friends, my block B-Ga friends, Nichibunken co-otakus, fellow Junior Jaycees, and many more. I miss my nation, the food, the heat, the noise, the festivals and traditions. Most of all, I miss my family and my mom, who would spoil me with what I need but discipline me to not to ask people for everything I want. Now I have to do everything myself.

      2 months is still a short time to express everything, as I still have 8 months to go before I can really go home. I still have to walk a long road, meet more people, learn more things, and survive more. As they say, its still a long way to go. :)


  1. XD clark we miss you pud!! hahaha

    Go clark..:)
    enjoy everything there while it lasts!!..
    i know its a great experience! がんばって! \(@w@)/
    we'll always be here to support you!! char~
