Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Start of my Rising Sun (Part 2)

There were a lot of initial requirements that were needed to be submitted, like a CV, professor’s recommendation letter, school papers, and a killer essay on how can the Philippines benefit from the foreign exchange program (I might post another blog about this). After 3 days, the papers were finally submitted. I never really expected any good results from it, since I didn’t put much effort in my essay, writing only up to 510 words, just enough to meet the standard of 500 words; and I didn’t quite understood one of the requirements. But who would’ve known that I passed the initial screening that I applied for?

Just when I thought I would directly apply for my passport and all, unfortunately there are still 2 screenings that I must pass, one of which is a panel interview. In the interview, they asked me as to what university in Japan I would apply for. Since I am bit of an ambitious person, I applied for Tokyo University, Waseda University, and Osaka University. Luckily, I passed the screening, but I was not accepted to any of the universities that I have applied for. Instead, they assigned me to International Christian University.

A lot of documents have to be submitted, along with my passport, scholarship application forms, and much more. Thank God I was able to submit everything in time. Instead of the JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) scholarship that I applied for, I got accepted in the JICUF (Japan ICU Foundation) scholarship instead.

Who would’ve known that I would be able to accomplish my goal earlier than expected? I guess it all just needs a bit of hard work, perseverance, and faith in God. Never fail to face and challenge adversities, it may be your biggest reward in life. :)

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